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Remembering Joan Rivers

Remembering Joan Rivers

Joan Rivers was a trailblazer for female comics, and one of the funniest Americans of all time. This is her story.
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George Lucas: A Long Time Ago...

George Lucas: A Long Time Ago...

It all began when George Lucas was just 18-years-old, he nearly lost his life in an automobile accident. Here’s Lucas with the rest of his story.
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The REAL "Great Escape" with Albert Clark

Lieutenant General Albert Clark was a prisoner of war at Stalag Luft III. He was a manager of accumulation and hiding of supplies used in the breakout in which 76 POWs escaped the German camp. You've seen the movie starring Steve McQueen, now hear the real story!
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The Family that Podcasts Together, Stays Together

The Family that Podcasts Together, Stays Together

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