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The Time America Put Its National Treasures on a Cross-Country Train

The Time America Put Its National Treasures on a Cross-Country Train

“The Freedom Train” that had over 3 million visitors...not passengers!
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Feds Send this Disabled Veteran to Prison for Digging Ponds on His Property

Feds Send this Disabled Veteran to Prison for Digging Ponds on His Property

Joseph Robertson is a 77-year-old disabled veteran who is being forbidden by the federal government (EPA) from building ground water ponds (to assist firefighters) on the property that he and his family have owned and worked on for over 40 years.
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Sacred Duty: A Soldier's Tour at Arlington National Cemetery

Sacred Duty: A Soldier's Tour at Arlington National Cemetery

To be chosen to serve at Arlington National Cemetery is an honor and a responsibility. The unit that serves our country's greatest shrine, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment or "The Old Guard," has roots that run deep through our nation's history.
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History off the Pages: National History Day

History off the Pages: National History Day

Every year thousands of kids partake in National History Day, a contest that transforms young minds forever! This is the contest that brings history alive!
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